2 Live Cams im Skigebiet Westendorf

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Westendorf current weather - Tirol


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Apr 25, 2024 - Do
Westendorf AT
Wind 5 km/h, NO
Pressure 1.01 bar
Mostly cloudy
Humidity 58%
Clouds 62%
Day State. Temp. Wind Humidity PrintPrint
don apr 25
6°C/-0°C 10 km/h, S 65% 1.01 bar
fre apr 26
10°C/2°C 12 km/h, S 57% 1.01 bar
sam apr 27
14°C /4°C 15 km/h, S 51% 1.01 bar
son apr 28
18°C/9°C 14 km/h, S 44% 1.01 bar
mon apr 29
21°C/10°C 12 km/h, S 31% 1.02 bar